Housing Resource Guide
The Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC) offers a loan program for expenses incurred prior to the closing of permanent financing for housing development. More information about the Startup Housing Opportunity Venture Loan (SHOVL).
The Rural Housing Incentive District program (RHID) reimburses developers for infrastructure and other expenses to assist in housing developments or renovations to building over 25 years old in central business districts.
Grants are available to finance the purchase, construction, or rehabilitation of owner- and rental-occupied housing for low-to-moderate-income households. The Affordable Housing Program (AHP) is administered through the Federal Home Loan Bank.
The State Historic Preservation Office offers Kansas Historic Tax Credits (KHTC) of up to 40% of expenses for qualified rehabilitation projects on properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places.
The Rural Rental Housing Program (RRHP) through USDA Rural Development provides financing for affordable multifamily rental housing or farm worker housing for low-income, elderly, or disabled individuals and families in eligible rural areas. Eligible activities include buying and improving land and infrastructure.
The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) administers the following programs:
Federal and State Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Offered for the construction and rehabilitation of rental housing for working families. The 4% credits are paired with Private Activity Bonds (PAB).
Private Activity Bond Program Provides low-interest, long-term financing for developers and businesses. This tax-exempt bond program provides 4% tax credits to be a source of equity to the developer and lower rental rates to serve low-income households. The credits can be paired with LIHTC.
Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits (KHITC) Provides tax credits for qualified investors who make cash investments in qualified housing developments in counties less than 75,000.
Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) May apply for deferred HOME loans to acquire, rehabilitate, or construct rental housing in rural areas.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing program covers home rehabilitation, demolition, neighborhood development, permanent relocation, and emergencies.
The Moderate Income Housing (MIH) Program through KHRC offers up to $650,000 in single and multi-family housing, infrastructure combined with housing development, and down payment assistance.
Housing Preservation grants through the USDA-Rural Development provide grants for the repair and rehabilitation of low-income housing.
Grants are available to finance the purchase, construction, or rehabilitation of owner- and rental-occupied housing for low-to-moderate-income households. The Affordable Housing Program (AHP) is administered through the Federal Home Loan Bank.
The Homeownership Set-Aside Program (HSP) assists first-time home buyers with the down payment, closing cost, and repair assistance.
The following programs are supported through USDA Rural Development:
USDA Direct Home Loan Program Build, repair, renovate, or relocate a home, or to purchase and prepare sites, including water and sewage facilities.
Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Program Provides 100% financing to purchase, build, rehabilitate, improve, or relocate housing for income-eligible households.
Home Repair Program Loans to repair, improve, or modernize homes and grants to remove health and safety hazards for income-eligible households.
The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) administers the following programs:
Home Loan Guarantee for Rural Kansas Provides loan guarantee gap coverage between 80% to 125% of appraised value up to $100,000 for building and rehabilitating residential properties.
Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Assists with rent, security deposit, and or utility deposits depending on agency program.
The South Central Kansas Economic Development District (SCKEDD) administers the Weatherization Assistance Program in the South-Central Region of Kansas. Income-eligible homeowners and renters can receive energy-efficient improvements.
Local Resources for individuals & Developers
The Kingman County Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) provides property tax rebates on single-family new construction on a sliding scale for five years and multi-unit renovation or construction for 10 years.
The Kingman County Improvement Program offers up to $4000 in matching funds for the demolition of dilapidated structures, including housing.
The City of Kingman offers $400 to $700 in matching funds to improve residential properties within the city limits. The program is offered every March to through September.
The City of Kingman offers free lots and special assessment rebates in its Memory Lane Sub-Division.
A list of local landlords can be found here.
Conway Bank |
Ninnescah Valley Bank |
Citizens Bank of Kansas |
The People's Bank 435 N Main Street Kingman, KS 67068 620-955-6118 www.thepeoplesbank.net |
Kanza Bank 151 N Main Street Kingman, KS 67068 620-582-5821 www.kanzabank.com |